GraphWeather Stylesheets

XML Objects


This document matches as closely as possible GraphWeather Level 2 Do not hesitate to provide your feedback about errors, omissions or improvements. "XML tags".

Last update : oct 04 2008

RGB color code preview




GraphWeather objects



    This tag may be the first one of the stylesheet. It defines the working size of the graph

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    This feature provides a framework in which a curve will be drawn from a data probe.Its dimensions, position in the image, border and its background may be defined, and then the appearance of the curve and the curve itself. For several curves on the same chart, just set multiple "lineplot" objects one over the other by duplicating the properties of the first object.


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    This feature provides a framework in which an histogram will be drawn from a data probe.Its dimensions, position in the image, border and its background may be defined, and then the appearance of the curve and the curve itself. For several curves on the same chart, just set multiple "bargraph" objects one over the other by duplicating the properties of the first object.


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    This feature provides a framework in which a circular distribution curve will be drawn from a data probe.Its dimensions, position in the image, border and its background may be defined, and then the appearance of the curve and the curve itself. For several curves on the same chart, just set multiple "radarplot" objects one over the other by duplicating the properties of the first object.

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    This feature provides a framework in which a linear type gauge will be drawn from a data probe. Its dimensions, position in the image, border and its background may be defined, and then the appearance of the curve and the curve itself. For several curves on the same chart, just set multiple "lineargauge" objects one over the other by duplicating the properties of the first object.

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    This feature provides a framework in which a circular type gauge will be drawn from a data probe. Its dimensions, position in the image, border and its background may be defined, and then the appearance of the curve and the curve itself. For several curves on the same chart, just set multiple "circulargauge" objects one over the other by duplicating the properties of the first object.

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GraphWeather sub-objects



axis :

Define X axis or circular or radar circumference items characteristics such as scale, legend, title...

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Data which are going to be used to draw a curve. The same curve can be drawn several times to add items to different places of the graph (eg legend) or in order to modify other characteristics (eg color, filling ...)

Properties "pattern" and "antialiasing" may not be used with "bargraph"

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Data which are going to be used to draw a curve. The same curve can be drawn several times to add items to different places of the graph (eg legend) or in order to modify other characteristics (eg color, filling ...) )

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Frame to hold legends

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(Do not confuse this sub-object with the property "text" in the sub-object "line")

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    Les ticks sont les graduations sur les axes

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    Defines the characteristics of elements displayed on the horizontal axis of the graph. (Intervals legend, title ...)

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    Defines the characteristics of elements displayed on the vertical axis of the graph. (Intervals legend, title ...)

    There are no limit to the (n) number of these axis

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GraphWeather objects and sub-objects properties


alignement :

data below are identical for Alignement, Side et Titleside

TOP           1   
LEFT          2   
HCENTER       4   
RIGHT         8   
VCENTER      16   
BOTTOM       32   
CENTER       20

eg a for a right top title, titleside = "9"   (TOP+RIGHT=1+8=9)
Following example VCENTER+HCENTER=16+4=20is equivalent to CENTER = 20

angle :

en Degrés

antialiasing :

Lissage de la courbe = 1

axisdelta :

position de la barre graphique par rapport à l'échelle en pixels

autoscale :

1 = automatical determination of mini and maxi Y axis limits

axisbind :

Y(n)axis   which item belongs to.

color :

4 bytes, first one shows transparency. It may range from 00 (transparent) to FF (opaque). The second is the red, the third at the 4th green and blue. Their value varies from 00 to FF (from light to dark: medium = 7E). Overview of colors and their RGB code (without transparency byte )

color1 :

4 bytes, first one shows transparency. It may range from 00 (transparent) to FF (opaque). The second is the red, the third at the 4th green and blue. Their value varies from 00 to FF (from light to dark: medium = 7E).

color2 :

4 bytes, first one shows transparency. It may range from 00 (transparent) to FF (opaque). The second is the red, the third at the 4th green and blue. Their value varies from 00 to FF (from light to dark: medium = 7E).

cornerradius :

Radius in pixels of a rounding frame corner

facename :

Font name (Arial, Time New Roman ...)

filled :

 1 = Curve filling

format :

Specifies the format of the Y-axis (numerical) and tags type $ Min, $ Max, $ Current ... used in the textproperty

eg :

format=".2" produces labels with 2 decimal digits
format="8.2" produces 8 character labels with 2 decimal digits

Specifies the X axis format (date):


format="%d" day number (0 to 31)
format="%H:%M" hours and minutes (18:43)
format="%H:%M\n%d/%m"provides labels with current format



Date format

%a ou %A

Day of the week using locale variable names. Abbreviated or full names can be used.

%b ou %B ou %h

Month names using locale variable names. Abbreviated or full names can be used.


Date and hour, same as %x %X


Date and hours, using country format

%d ou %e

the day of the month (1-31; leading zeros are allowed but not mandatory)


date : %m/%d/%y

%H ou %k

hour (0 to 24), leading zeros are allowed but not mandatory.

%I ou %l

hour (0 to 12), leading zeros are allowed but not mandatory.


year number of the day (001-366)


month number (1-12)


minute (0-59)


local equivalency for AM and PM


hour : %I:%M:%S %p


hour : %H:%M


seconds (allows 0-61 adjustments seconds)


hour : %H:%M:%S


number of the day in the week (0-6), sunday being first day.


date, using current local format.


time, using current local format.


year without the century (0-99; leading zeros are allowed but not required). When the century is not mentioned by another conversion, the 69 to 99 years are considered of the twentieth century (1969 to 1999), and 00-68 years of the twenty-first century (2000-2068).


Year including teh 2 century leading digits (eg 1996)

gradient :

1 = allows color transition from Color1 to color2

gradient_direction :

transition direction in degrees from Color1 to color2

grid :

1 = grid

height :

object height in pixel

hide :

   1 = hidden object

hidefirst :

1 =Hide first tick

hidelast :

1 =Hide last tick


1 = Do not show the text of the legend

hideminorticks :

1 = Do not show intermediary ticks

italic :

1 = Italic

labels :

do not confuse with its parent : "label" sub-object. Used to force the text of an axis labels. These labels must be separated by semicolons. Eg. "N, E, S, O"

labelinterval :

number of ticks between 2 labels

majorticks :

main axes number of graduations

margin :

margin width in pixels

margin-top :

margin width in pixels from the object top edge.

margin-bot :

margin width in pixels from the object bottom edge.

margin-left :

lmargin width in pixels from the object left edge.

margin-right :

margin width in pixels from the object right edge.

max :

Maximum :

min :

Minimum :

minorticks :

Number of minor ticks between 2 major ticks

orientation :

0 = horizontal, 1 = Vertical, 2 vertical

pattern :

Allows you to draw a dotted curve. It contains 8 bytes of the form XXXXXXXX. The FFFFFFFF value allows a continuous curve. The 00000000 value is particular : it draws a square shape, which width equals to the curve "thick" in pixels. Between these 2 values, everything is possible: 33333333 CCCCCCCC or allow to draw the dots with a length trait identical length and space. F0F0F0F0 is the same but with twice the dots longer. The form in fact corresponds to the binary form of the 8 bytes: 1111 0000 1111 0000

position-x :

object position in pixels from the left edge of the "image" object

Warning: when the position of the title is specified (for gauges), it is not specified in pixels but in decimal over the envelope of the object. Eg. position x = "0.10" means that the text will be located 10% of the width of the object from its left edge..

position-y :

object position in pixels from the top edge of the "image" object

Warning: when the position of the title is specified (for gauges), it is not specified in pixels but in decimal over the envelope of the object. Eg. position x = "0.80" means that the text will be located 80% of the heigth of the object from the top edge.

shadow :

width of the shadow in pixels *** (max must be checked)

reload_texture :

1= allow image reload on each of its parent "background" or "graphbackground" calls.

2 =The image is stored in cache and is not updated without changing the background tag


All data below are identical for Alignement, Side and Titleside tags

TOP           1   
LEFT          2   
HCENTER       4   
RIGHT         8   
VCENTER      16   
BOTTOM       32   
CENTER       20

Eg for a right top title, titleside = "9"   (TOP+RIGHT=1+8=9)
Following example VCENTER+HCENTER=16+4=20  is equivalent to CENTER = 20

size :

Font size in points

stretch :

1 = image is adjusted to the size of its container. 0 = image size is not modified

text :

blah-blah (Dont confuse with ;"text" object). This property may contain tags whose name begins with '$', eg $ Unit, $ Current ... eg. text="$CurrentDate[%B %d, %H%M]

texture :

Image file name (.jpg .png)

thick :

Graph line thickness in pixels

titlemargin :

Distance of the title of the scale at the scale itself in pixels

titleside :

All data below are identical for Alignement, Side and Titleside

TOP           1   
LEFT          2   
HCENTER       4   
RIGHT         8   
VCENTER      16   
BOTTOM       32   
CENTER       20

Eg: a right top text : titleside = "9"   (TOP+RIGHT=1+8=9)
Following example VCENTER+HCENTER=16+4=20  is equivalent to CENTER = 20

ydelta :

Offsets the y-axis and its properties over the delimitation of the graph. (Used to draw a line with the wording and graduations that is not contiguous to the chart. Ex axis moisture gradient_web))


800 is equivalent to "bold", 400 is equivalent to "normal"

width :

Width of the object in pixels
